Book Paper Flowers

With the popularity of ebooks and the Kindle, sadly real books are becoming a thing of the past. I still love the smell of a brand new book! I’ve always been a bookworm and just love the actual experience of sitting down with a cup of tea and a good book 🙂

So this business of making flowers out of books seemed a bit painful to me at first. But I went to Goodwill and found an older book for .50 that looked like one I would never get around to reading lol…but even so, it took me several weeks to actually get up the gall to rip it up!

But making flowers out of the pages is a beautiful thing! I love these! There even a way to take care of the acidic paper …so tune in below!  And if you don’t want them to be just plain paper, then simply jazz them up with Ranger Inks, Stickles Glitter Glue, or whatever else you have handy!

Making Paper Flowers Fabulous!

If you’re like me, you see a cute jar of flowers on sale and get, not realizing that it’s kind of hard to use up hundreds of small flowers, especially when they are all in the same or almost the same color!

A year or so ago, there was a neat blog written on how to use your scrapbooking flowers to make beautiful rosettes. I thought it looked neat, but never tried it, then that same post was unearthed recently and I finally decided to give them a try!

Talk about easy! And what a great looking embellishment for cards and scrapbook pages. I hope you try them too, they’re so super fast to make and all you need are flowers, glue & scissors!