Basic Beauty With Perfect Pearls

I’ve had a lot of questions about how Ranger Perfect Pearls are used, so for today, I’ll show you the absolute basics. There are a lot of really awesome things you can do with them (not that the basics aren’t also awesome 🙂 ), but I will be showing you some more tips & tricks in the weeks to come!

Perfect Pearls have their own binder in them, so any time they are applied with anything wet, they stick. Makes them so fun and easy to use!

Follow along below to get the scoop on Perfect Pearls 🙂

Red Dragon Butterfly Project

So why did I call this project Red Dragon Butterfly card when it’s just butterflies? Well, I just liked the name of the beautiful Red Dragon glitter embossing powder . Oh yes, and the fact that I love, love, love red and I love butterflies and I love embossing 🙂

The butterflies I used are Gem Stone Insects from Inkdinkado.

So here, we go, come along with me and make your own Red Dragon Butterfly card!

Circles of Cheer Card

This fun & bright card was just a spur of the moment thing when I was wanting an easy card with a simple shape. The circles are about 1″ and then the buttons are just medium-sized with a craft thread knotted through each one.

I stamped the sentiment first in the middle of the card and embossed it with Ranger Gold Embossing Powder. This was so fast and simple to create, I hope you like it too!

Alcohol Inks & Soot

This week, we have a fun technique to do where you can use alcohol inks or not. On the top picture, I just did the technique without alcohol inks, and then with the inks on the bottom picture. So you can see, if you want some beautiful colors, just add the alcohol inks first on your glossy cardstock.
So come along, bring a candle (seriously), and your favorite stamp. Then we will also need some sort of fixative. I just use glossy or matte varnish-type  clear coat spray to set it.

Please be aware that this project does involve an open flame, so please use the same precautions that you would use with any type of fire. There are no fumes from the ink because it dries very quickly.